Order Routing is the process of automatically submitting orders to a PSP that is connected to your Brand via Linked Accounts.

To automate the submission of orders, rules must be created so Brand Centre and Site Flow know what to do with specific order volumes, products, or destinations in specific scenarios.

In this article, you will learn, step by step, how to create rulesets to automatically submit your orders to PSPs.

Learn about sending and receiving invitations to Link Accounts here.



Go to “View Order Routingunder the ORDERS tab, and you will see a list of all the existing rulesets. You can click on one to see it and edit it at any time. When accessing it for the first time, the list is empty. 

To create a Rule Set, click on the "Add Rule Set" button in your screen's top-right corner.

Order Routing requirements

A Rule Set may contain several rules so a product order is routed to one or another PSP depending on its specific SKU, quantity, or Shipment destination.

To create rules, you must have at least one Linked Account.
No orders will be routed unless a rule is created.

Rule Set elements

The Add New Rule Set window has the following elements:

1. Rule Set Name: The Rule Set's name, as it will appear on the Rule Set list. 

2. Order Routing Submission URL: An automatically-generated URL, required to submit orders.  

3. Rule conditions. The variables that will trigger your Order Routing automation.

4. Rule actions: Define the PSP your order is submitted to when the Rules' conditions are met.

Rule Conditions

Rules are created based on the following variables. Select one to create a condition.

  • Shipment country code
  • Shipment state 
  • SKU code
  • Any of the line items' quantity

Choose whether the rule applies "if all" or "if any" of the conditions described above are met, and enter the corresponding values: 

  • Country Code 
  • State Code
  • SKU
  • Item Quantity 

NOTE: Each variable will display a different operator and corresponding input field.

For example, selecting "Any of the line items' quantity" will change the operator to "is greater than" or "is less than".

Click the '+' or '-' buttons to increase or decrease the value within the rule (See #5 below).

Rule Actions

Once the Rule's conditions are defined, you may select the most convenient destination account to produce your order.

Adding / Removing Rules to a Rule Set

With Brand Centre, you can create as many rules as you need so that different conditions automatically submit your order to the most convenient Destination Account (PSP).

Click the '+' or '-' button next to the Rule number to add or remove rules to your Ruleset (See #6 above).


Example 1: Single conditions.

Rule 1 has only 1 condition and is set as follows:

  1. If all of the following apply
  2. Any of the line item quantity 
  3. Is greater than 
  4. 5000
  5. Then change order destination account to: PSP2

Result: Orders of more than 5000 copies will be submitted to PSP 2 instead of PSP 1, which has a lower capacity.

Example 2: Multiple conditions.

Condition 2 within Rule 1 is set as follows:

  1. If all of the following apply (as set in the Rule)
  2. Shipment's Country code 
  3. Is any of 
  4. UK
  5. Then change order destination to: PSP3

Result: Orders of more than 5000 copies to be shipped to the UK would be submitted to PSP 3 because both conditions are comprised in Rule 1.

NOTE: Be aware that different rules using the same operator may create conflicts and unexpected order submissions.

You can prevent such conflicts by clicking on the "Stop running the Rule Set once this Rule is applied" checkbox, which will disregard any other Rules within the Rule Set.

Example 3: Multiple rules

Rule 1 applies to both Line Items' Quantity and the Shipment's Country Code. Rule 2 only applies to the Shipment's Country Code, regardless of the order's volume. 

Result: If both rules were applied, an order of more than 10000 copies would be routed to PSP 4 regardless of the Shipment's Country code. But because the "Stop running the Rule Set once this Rule is applied" checkbox is checked for Rule 1 and all conditions are met, the order will be sent to PSP 3.

Adding Otherwise actions (if no Rule is matched)

Alternatively, you can define a different Destination Account to route your orders when they do not meet any of the rules created by filling out the "Add Otherwise actions (if no Rule is matched)" option.

Example: Taking the case in Example 1, an order of 4500 copies would be sent to PSP 1 because it does not meet the 5000 copies threshold.

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