
Find out how to view and create triggers that can control and activate your templates.


Create Trigger

Select SETUP > Create Trigger to add a new trigger to your account.

Turn on the Active switch to activate your trigger and enter the Name of the trigger.

Select the Event from the drop-down to choose what event will activate your trigger.
Event names and descriptions are found below in Table 1.

Table 1

Event Name

Event Description

Order Cancelled 

The order has been cancelled by the brand or the end consumer. 

Order Errored 

The artwork is not available, due to either a pre-flight failure or an invalid fetch URL. An order will go to error 12 hours after order submission.

Order Print Ready

The artwork has been successfully retrieved and the order is now ready to enter production.

Order Received 

The order has been accepted by the system, but the artwork has not yet been retrieved. 

Order Reprinted

A component, item, or order has been reprinted.

Order Submission Error

An order submission error has occurred.

Shipment Shipped

A shipment has been shipped. 

Shipment Updated

A shipment of a live order has been updated.

Sub-Batch Imposition Job Failed

A bucket has closed, created a batch of items, but failed to impose. This occurs at times when PDFs are not pre-flighted and issues.

Select the Type for your trigger: an HTTPS postback or email.


The following fields appear at the bottom of the page when you select HTTPS.

Enter the destination URL for the HTTP/HTTPS Request.

NOTE: When you POST to an HTTP/HTTPS endpoint, you must use an open URL that does not contain login credentials. However, a static token can be included either in the header or the body of the payload to be validated upon entry into the system.

Select the Method from the drop-down: POST, PUT, or GET.

Select Retry on failure to retry the trigger in the case that a server-side issue causes it to fail. The trigger will retry 6 minutes after the initial failure, then 15 minutes after the second attempt, and 30 minutes after that. A final retry will be attempted 24 hours after the initial failure.

Select Share if you are configuring triggers for the brands submitting to you. Triggers should be shared so that the brand can view the Postback.

Fill out the Header and Value fields for your request (such as account authentication). Then click the + button to the right to add the header.

Select an existing Template from the drop-down menu.

Click the Linked Account drop-down and select from the list (if you have linked to an account before).

NOTE: Linked accounts are not supported for Sub-batch events, since batches can include items from multiple sources/ accounts. The Sub-batch event triggers are only intended for the PSP to get updates on the Sub-batch production events e.g., to send updates to the HTTPS endpoint of their MIS system. 

Click Save to finish creating the new trigger.

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View Trigger

Click SETUP > View Triggers to see a list of your triggers, listed in alphabetical order.
Also, Select Active or Inactive on the top right to filter through the available triggers based on their status.

Edit Trigger

Select any Trigger to view or edit its complete details.  

To learn more about triggers, check out the Triggers FAQ article.

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